What is the full form of SC ST OBC UR and EWS?

Many times we heard these terms so here we will know the full form of SC ST OBC UR and EWS.

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The caste system is a method of categorizing people into professions or races.

The practice of branding people into a specific caste based on their birth into a specific family.

 Following India’s independence, and with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1955, such social practices were declared illegal and those who engaged in them were punished.

Also, through the reservation, people who faced social discrimination based on caste were given the opportunity and encouraged to compete with the rest of the population.

What is the full form of SC ST OBC UR and EWS?

 The full forms of SC, ST, and OBC are as follows:

SC stands for Scheduled Castes

Schedule Castes are essentially the lowest strata of Hindu society.

These classes are primarily designed to highlight the disadvantages of specific castes and tribes, as well as the underprivileged section of society.

They have significant reservation advantages in government jobs, higher education, and the legislature.

Scheduled castes are sub-communities within the Hindu caste system that have historically faced deprivation, oppression, and extreme social isolation in India due to their perceived low status.

According to The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, only marginalized Hindu communities can be classified as Scheduled Castes in India.

ST stands for Scheduled Tribes

Article 16(4) of the Constitution allows for the provision of reservations to citizens from the Backward Class who are not adequately represented in the state.

The tribe primarily belongs to the lower classes or has been expelled from the city.

This ST tag is used to provide them with a share of every place, whether in education or in employment.

ST people have many advantages in every government job, school, college, and entrance exam.

OBC stands for Other Backward Classes

OBCs are considered a socially and educationally backward class. As a result, the government has made reservations about public sector jobs and higher education for their advancement.

The Indian government uses the term “Other Backward Class” to classify castes that are socially and educationally disadvantaged.

It is one of India’s many official population classifications, along with Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.

According to the Mandal Commission report of 1980, the Other Backward class comprised 52 percent of India’s population.

According to the National Sample Survey Organisation, the figure had dropped to 41% by 2006.

There are plans to create sub-categories within Other Backward Class to ensure that government profit reaches the deserving class.

UR stands for Unreserved category

Forward caste is a term used to describe a caste system whose representatives are socially and economically ahead of the rest of India on average.

Such seats are available, and anyone, regardless of category, can compete on merit.

The normal range is unreserved. Those who do not receive a reservation must outperform OBC/ST/SC candidates in the competition.

EWS stands for Economically Weaker Sections

The term EWS refers to some households or individuals whose earnings fall below a certain threshold.

Although other financial considerations may influence a citizen’s or household’s economic insecurity, income is the most important criterion.

In the context of public policy, the term must be interpreted in the sense that the Preamble to India’s Constitution demands economic, political, and social justice.

The GOI has passed several laws for abolishing untouchability and has implemented various reforms to improve the quality of life for the poorer sections of our society.

Among them are the following:

Fundamental human rights are guaranteed by the constitution.

In 1950, the term “untouchability” was abolished.

Reservations in places such as educational institutions, employment opportunities, and so on.

Creating social welfare departments and national commissions to look after the interests of scheduled castes and tribes.

The government’s measures have provided some relief to the weaker sections of society.

The urban areas have had a significant impact and have shown some improvement.

People in rural areas and villages, on the other hand, continue to face severe discrimination.

We still have a long way to go in terms of eradicating and abolishing discrimination based on caste and creed.

It now depends on our efforts, and a shift in our mindset will almost certainly result in a permanent shift, bringing equality to all.

Dr. BR Ambedkar, the brains behind the Indian Constitution, recognized the need to actively empower these communities, socially, economically, and financially, and to provide them with equal opportunities to participate in the country’s governance and functioning, as well as to uplift and promote their growth.

With this in mind, provisions in the Constitution were included to protect the rights of these marginalized communities.

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