Exception Handling try catch finally blocks in Java

What is try block

A try block is used to surround a set of statements where exceptions may occur.

A try block used with catch and finally block

Also Read

Exception Handling in Java: Hierarchy Example and Types

What is a catch block

A catch block is created followed by a try block.

Whenever an exception is thrown from try block it catches in the appropriate catch block

There can be more than one catch block for a try block.

Syntax of try-catch block

Java finally block

Java finally block is also associated with a try block.

Finally block is used to release resources that are used in a try block.

like closing a file. closing database connection

Finally block gets always executed when there is an exception or not in try block.

We can use try and finally or try catch and finally.

Syntax of try-catch and finally

1 try and finally

2 try catch and finally

try catch java examples

ArithmeticException Example in Java


The exception occurs at the line “a = 42 / d; “, then this exception is thrown, and program control transfers from the try block to the catch block.

Once the catch block has been executed program control continues with the next line in a program following the entire try/catch statement.

In the line “catch (ArithmeticException e) “  e is a reference of the exception “ArithmeticException”.

When we print the value of “e “ it will print  ( java.lang.ArithmeticException:/by zero                                                                    at  Test.main(Test.java:6) )

  • ArithmeticException is an exception class that resides in java.lang package.
  • “/by zero”  is a type of arithmetic exception (divided by zero).
  • “Test” is the name of the class.
  • “main” is a method in which an exception occurs.
  • 6 is the line number in which an exception occurred.

Java try catch multiple exceptions

1 Try and multiple catch blocks

In java programming, when within a try block multiple exceptions occur then for handling those multiple exceptions we use multiple catches with a single try block.

When we pass no command-line argument (during run time) then the length of the command-line argument (args. length) is zero means the value of the variable “a” is 0.

Read More: Addition of two numbers using command-line arguments

Then the output is:

When we pass one or more command-line arguments ( in this program one command-line argument is passed “test” during run time) then the length of the command-line argument (args. length) is one means value of variable “a” is  1.

Then the output is:

2 Java try catch multiple exceptions

Unreachable Code in Exception Handling

In Java programming, in a sequence of catch statements exception subclass must come before its superclass.

In a series, if the exception superclass comes before its subclass then the exception subclass would never be reached.

It is known as unreachable code. In Java programming, unreachable code is a compile-time error.    

Example unreachable code in Exception Handling

If we will try to compile this program we will receive an error message stating that the second catch statement is unreachable because ArithmeticException is a subclass of the Exception class. 

     Then the first catch statement will handle all exception-based errors, including Arithmetic exceptions therefore second catch statement will never execute.

 To solve the problem, reverse the order of the catch statement.  

Nested try-catch Java statements

In java programming, it is possible to create a try block within another try block. Such a try block is known as a nested try.

Nested try catch Example

If there is no command-line argument present then the output.

If there is no command-line argument present then the output.

Read More

User-Defined Exception in Java with Examples

Q : When a statement within a try block causes an exception, the remaining statements in the try block

Ans: Will Not be executed

Q: In a try/catch construct, after the catch statement is executed:

Ans: Statement just after the catch is executed

Q: Can you have multiple catch blocks on a try statement

Ans: Yes, as per the need we can have multiple catch blocks on a try statement

Q: To catch an exception, the code that might throw the exception must be enclosed in a ____________

Ans: try block

Q: If an exception occurs in a try-catch block, the code in the finally clause ________.

Ans: Get Executed. If with try block finally is associated then it always gets executed no matter it throws an exception or not.

Q: A try block may be followed by a finally block, without a catch block (Java try without catch).

Ans: Yes we can use try and finally without a catch block.

Q: Exceptions can be thrown by ________.

Ans: Throw statement is used to throw an Exception

Q: When is the code within a catch block executed?

Ans: If an exception occurs within the code in the try block then matched exception in the catch block gets executed.

Java unreported exception How to Handle it

The unreported exception is due to you have checked exception in your program and you are not handling it.

You can handle it

  1. By using try catch block
  2. By using throws keyword in method

unreported exception

Which of the following Throwables needs to be declared?

  1. Error
  2. RuntimeException
  3. CheckedException 
  4. Exception

Answer is 3

More MCQ

Read More

  1. Exception Handling in Java: Hierarchy Example and Types
  2. Exception Handling in Java with Examples
  3. Throw and Throws Keywords in Java
  4. How To Fix Internal Exception: java.io.ioexception In Minecraft