Reading a File in C Programming

Reading a File To read a  file there are following  function available: Function fgetc():  Function fgetc() is used to read a single character at a time from the input file. The syntax of this function is −             Syntax :                int fgetc( FILE * fp ); Functions fgets():  Functions fgets() is used to reads string from input … Read more

File handling programs in C Programming

Example : Write a C program to copy the contents of one file to another file.


Example : Write a C program to appends the content of file at the end of another file. Or  Example : Write a C program to merge two files into third file.

Example: Write a C program … Read more

Writing to a File in C Programming

To write on a file there are following  function available:  Function fputc() : function fputc() write individual characters at a time to the file. The syntax of this function is – Syntax :                int  fputc( int c,  FILE *fp ); Function fputc()  returns the written character written on success and  if there is an error it will return … Read more

File Handling in C Programming

A file represents a sequence of bytes and these file’s is used to store information. There are various different operations that we can be performed on a file are: Creation of a new file (fopen with attributes as “a” or “a+” or “w” or “w++”) Opening an existing file (fopen) Reading from file (fscanf or … Read more