Increment and decrement operators in Python (+=, -=)


If you’re acquainted with other programming languages like C, Java, or PHP, you’ll recognize that the ++ symbol represents two operators: the increment and decrement operators, respectively.

The increment and decrement operators are not available in Python. 

This may seem strange, but in Python you would write + = or x = x + 1 to increase the value of the variable by 1, and use = or x = x – 1 to decrease the value by 1. 

 Reasons why python does not have increment and decrement operators.

 Here are some of the logical reasons why Python does not have increment and decrement operators. 

  • Similar results can be obtained with + = and -=.
  • Including ++ may slow down the VM engine as it adds a bit more opcode to the language. Frequent use of 
  • ++ is inside a loop, and in Python for loops are usually written in ranges (0, 10) like I, so the ++ operator is not needed.


The following C code outputs an integer from 10 to 1 with for loop.

We can get the same result in Python by writing the following code.

Python Increment Operator

How to increment in python

Special Use of Python Increment Operator 

 You must be familiar with the unary increment/decrement operator (++ /) if you’re comfortable with other high-level programming languages like C/C++ and Java.

There is one. However, unary increments and decrement operators are not allowed in Python programming, resulting in syntax issues.

 This is because Python takes a different approach than other languages ​​and uses immutable objects and names. 

 Let’s explain why the unary increment operator doesn’t exist in Python. 

  • This approach improves storage efficiency and accelerates the VM engine. 
  • Priority can be a bit difficult to use and understand for novice programmers. 
  • All statements in programming languages ​​use simple increments, but Python doesn’t have to use it in the for-statement syntax.

How to Increment a Variable in Python  

Using augmented assignment operator

The increment process using the unary operator using the advanced assignment operator does not occur in Python. However, there is another way to do this process.

Python uses the extended assignment operator + = operator or assigns directly a = a + 1 to perform the increment process. 

This is code that increments a number using the actual increment operator + =


Output : 6

Below is the example of how we use while loop to increment values



In the above example, the value of the variable i is set to 0, the loop is started, and the + = operator is used to increase the loop until it reaches 10.

Using the step parameter in the range () function

In a for loop, you can use the step parameter of the range function to specify the variable increment.

For example,


Invariant role in Python 

Note that integers are invariant in Python. This means that the values ​​in your code do not change over time, which makes them very different from other well-known programming languages. 

To better understand this, let’s look at an example of three integers that are declared together and contain the same value.

The above code gives the following output:

Incrementing the variable x in the above code

The above code gives the following output:

All the integers declared in the code above, namely x, y, z, refer to a single object in Python to save memory. This causes a syntax error when trying the basic unary increment operator ++ in Python code.

Python decrement operator

There is no decrement operator in Python. Python can only decrement values, but Python doesn’t have such an operator. The decrement operator exists in C and C ++ but not in Python.

Ways for decrementing values in python

Using Start, Stop Index, and step to Decrement for loop in Python

This example uses the start and stop indexes to decrement the value of the for loop.

Set the value of the start index to be larger than the stop index so that the value is decremented one after another at each iteration. To further comprehend the notion, consider the following example.



  • First, assign a start index value that is greater than the stop index, or 10. 
  • Then assign the stop index value as 0. 
  • Then the value of the step is assigned as 1, and the value of the for loop is decremented. 
  • Then I used a for loop with the variable `i’ and the range as the start index, stop index and step. 
  • Finally, I printed the output. 
  • Therefore, you can see the output in reverse order.

Using Start, stop, and step in for loop only to Decrement for loop in Python.

To observe the output, we set the stop index to the same value as the start index. The value is decremented because the value of the start index is greater than the value of the stop index. To further comprehend the notion, consider the following example.



  • In this example, we applied all the values ​​in the for loop’s range () function. 
  • The start index is set to 10, the stop index is set to 0, and the step is set to 2. This decrements the value by 2 for each iteration up to 0. 
  • Finally, you get the value of the variable i. issued. 
  • You can now see the output.

Using reversed () Function to Decrement for loop in Python

This example uses the reversed () function internally to pass the range () function and display the output. The inverse () function is used to execute the sequence in reverse order. Let’s look at an example to understand the concept in detail.



  • In this example, I used the reversed () function, which is used to print the values ​​in reverse order. 
  • I applied the for loop directly and applied the reverse () function inside it.
  • In the reverse () function, the range () function is also applied with 5. 
  • Finally, I printed the value of the I variable. 
  • So, you can see the result.

Using while and -= operation

This example uses a while loop and the i = operation to decrement the values ​​one at a time or as per your requirement. Set the while condition and then decrement the value inside the while function. Let’s look at an example to get a more detailed understanding of the concept.



  • First, we take the input variable s and assign it the value we want to decrement (s = 5). 
  • Then apply a while condition likes > 0. 
  • Within the while condition, print the value of s and decrement the value of s by 1 after printing the value (s = 1). 
  • So, you can see the result.

Increment a character in Python

In Python, you can explicitly convert data types, but there is no implicit notion of data types, but you tell operators to work in some way, understand the data types of operands, and manipulate them accordingly. It’s not easy to do. For example, to add 1 to a character, you need to formulate another way to increment the character because you will get an error pointing to a type conflict when you need to increment the character.


Python increase by 1 in for loop

For loops are typically used for sequential traversal. It falls into the most reliable iteration category.

A particular iteration means that the number of iterations is explicitly specified in advance.



Python i++

We do not use ++ operators in Python for consistency and simplicity. I don’t know the exact argument Guido van Rossum proposed for the decision, but I can imagine some. 

  • Simpler parsing. Technically speaking, the analysis of ++ counts is ambiguous. This is because it can be as simple as ++, +, count (two unary + operators) and ++, count (one unary ++ operator). This is not a significant syntactic ambiguity, but it does exist.
  • A simpler language. ++ is just a synonym for + = 1. This shorthand was invented because the C compiler was stupid and didn’t know how to optimize + = 1 in the inc statement you see on most computers. In today’s world of optimizing compilers and bytecode interpretation languages, adding operators to languages ​​that allow programmers to optimize their code is generally discouraged.

+= in Python

The Python + = operator adds two values ​​together and assigns the final value to a variable. This operator is called the additive assignment operator. This operator is often used to add a value to a counter variable that keeps track of how many times something has happened. Addition When you use the assignment operator, two numbers are added. The final value is assigned to a variable.

The syntax for this arithmetic operator is:

variable_name += value



Python to access array elements

The index number is used in Python to access array elements. For accessing elements from the array, we shall utilize the index operator.

Indexing an array in Python is the same as accessing an array element. Access the array element by looking at the index number. Here, I used “(my_arr [1])” to access “12”.



In Python, how do you decrement a for loop?

The for loop is used for iteration. In most cases, use loops in incremental order. However, you can also use for loops in descending order. This subject demonstrates how to utilize Python’s decrement-for-loop function.

Method 1: The range() method 

produces a range of integers in a specified initial parameter.

range (start, stop, step)


  • The Start is an optional value. This is the number that defines the starting position. The default is 0. 
  • The stop is the value to stop the range. It is not included in the range. 
  • The step is another option value. It defines the number of steps that increase or decrease during the iteration. The default is 1.



Method 2: By using reversed () method:

If you don’t want to use a step with a negative value, you can also use the reverse method to pass the output from the range () to that method. The reverse method takes the sequence as a parameter and returns the reverse iterator of the sequence. 

If you use the reverse (), you do not need to use the step. However, the reverse () adds additional processing to the range, so negative value steps are recommended.



Increment operator in python

+= cab be used to increment a in python



Python increment variable in loop

for loop increment in python

increase by one

increase by two

increase by 10


As we discussed Python increment and decrement operators are not directly supported to increment and decrement we need to use += and -= operators.

Here we discussed how to achieve Python increment and decrement operators.