JTable Pagination in Java JDBC and MySQL Database

Here we will see how to develop JTable Pagination in java.

We will use JDBC prepared statement and MySQL Database.

We used NetBeans IDE and Jdk 1.8 to develop this project.

Our Project Structure is as below

Pagination in JTable
Fig: Pagination in JTable

To develop this project we used Book Example.

Project Development Steps are

  1. Create table in MySQL Database
  2. SetUp Pagination Project
  3. Create Model (Pojo) Class
  4. Create a DAO class to Perform JDBC Operations
  5. Create Frame to show data in JPanel
  6. Implement Pagination Concepts.

1 Create Table in MySQL Database

We created ebhor database and table called book as below

Inserted 100 records on it.

You can use any “MySQL Data Generator like generatedata.com generate 100 rows or as many as you want.

How to import data in MySQL database
Fig: How to import data in MySQL database

In above figure screen when you scroll down you will find Go button click on it.

Go to browse to see data in table .

After uploading data check you data by clicking on browse in PHPMyAdmin.

Browse the PhpMyAdmin database
Fig: Browse the Book table

Book table created and 100 Records are uploaded in table.

2. SetUp Pagination Project

Create a new Java Project in Netbeans IDE

Select Java in categories and Java Applications in Project.

Fig: New Project Start in NetBeans
Fig: New Project Start in NetBeans

Provide name “Pagination” to your project

Click on Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries.

How to assign Project Name in NetBeans
Fig: Assign Project Name in NetBeans

Now at left side on project explorer

click on Pagination Project.

there create packages


Now right click on library and and click on menu Add Jar/Folder…

Now include mysql-connector-java-5.1.14-bin.jar Jar file

How to add mysql-connector-java-5.1.14-bin.jar in NetBean IDE
Fig: Adding mysql-connector-java-5.1.14-bin.jar in NetBean IDE

Next we will create a Pojo class.

3 Create a Model to hold Data

Inside ebhor.model package create a POJO Class Book

Book class contains field id, name, author publication, addDate field.

All fields getter setter , constructos and toString()


4 Create a DAO Class to Perform JDBC Operations

Here establish a connection with database.

Extracting data from database are handling .

Inside ebhor.dao following classes are there


This class contains a method getConnection() creates connection with MySQL database using database username, password and database name.

getConnection() returns connection Object.


This class contains two methods

1 fetchBySize() – This method takes two integer arguments

  1. start is used to select start row in book table.
  2. size is used to select specified number of elements from start.

If you pass parameter fetchBySize(11,10) then it will select 10 records from MySQL with starting table row of 11.

Result set values are stored in DefaultTableModel Object.

DefaultTableModel value can easily represent data in JTable.

2. getRowCount() this method is used to find total number of rows in table.

5 Create Frame to show data in JPanel

UI designing and Action handling work is done here.

BookFrame.java is created in ebhor.frame package

BookFrame.java contains following methods

1 A Default Constructor –

Here a main JPanel is created with GridLayout.

Two other JPanel is created.

tablePanel -to place JTable and pagingPanel to place Paging buttons.

Inside this getCount() and getPageData() is called.

2 getCount() –

This method work is to find book table record count by calling getRowCount() from BookDAO.java.

It also calculate the total pages for pagination based on PAGE_SIZE field.

3. getPageData() –

Work of this method is to get records from Book Table. and set it to JTable based on page number.

To update pagination details getPaginationDetails() is get called.

4 getPaginationDetails() –

This method is used to get dynamic page numbers from Pagination.java.

According to numbers it generates buttons and add actionListeners to buttons.

Also handle button disable and enable features for first and last page number.

5 ActionPerformed()-

Handle the click actions of dynamically generated buttons.

6 public static void main() –

This function is starting execution point for our program.

6 Implement Pagination Concepts

ebhor.pagination.Pagination class is created to implement pagination concept.

public static int[] getPageNos(int currentPage, int totalPages) is used to implement pagination concept.

it takes two argument currentPage and totalPages to get next set of page numbers and return integer array.


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  2. JComboBox in Java Swing
  3. JTable in Java Swing
  4. JTable Pagination in Java JDBC
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