Get ASCII value of char javascript charCodeAt() & codePointAt()

get the ASCII value of char javascript

ASCII is a Character Encoding Scheme. The full form of ASCII is American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

ASCII Encode any character in 7 bits. it was developed for telegraph code.

ASCII is used to represent 128 English characters in Numbers.

ASCII value for A is 65, B is 66, and similar.

ASCII value for a is 97, b is 98, etc

Each character has a unique ASCII value we will use the following two methods to get the ASCII value.

  1. charCodeAt()
  2. codePointAt()

Both functions return the Unicode value of the character at a specified index value.

In the title, we say how to get ASCII value but why we are finding Unicode value

In Unicode first 128 characters are ASCII characters. so accessing the first 128 characters will return ASCII Value.

Find ASCII value of a character : Javascript get ASCII value using charCodeAt()

Function charCodeAt() returns a number between 0 to 65535 that represents the UTF-16 code of the character at the specified index.

Capital A ASCII value Example

Find ASCII value of a character : Javascript get ASCII value using codePointAt()

Function codePointAt() returns the Unicode value of the character at the specified position.

How to print ASCII value of capital A in JavaScript Example

Program to Get ASCII value of char javascript

Get ASCII value of character
Fig: Get ASCII value of character

Generating ASCII Values Table in JavaScript

String.fromCharCode() is used here to get characters from ASCII value.

Not all the characters are printable it is showing a box.

ASCII value of alphabets in javaScript

The ASCII value of Capital Letters starts from 65 and ends at 90. Small case letters start from 97 and end at 122.

To print Capital Letters start the loop from 65 and end it at 90 and for small latter start with position 97 and at 122.

ASCII value of Capital Letter (aSCII code of capital a to z)

ASCII value of Small Letter (aSCII code of Small a to z)

ASCII value of numbers

Here we showed how Javascript gets the ASCII value of char can work to get ASCII Values.

Q How To Convert Javascript Char To ASCII

charCodeAt() and codePointAt() methods are used to get ASCII values

Q How To Convert Javascript ASCII To Char

String.fromCharCode() converts ASCII code to character conversion.

Q What is the ASCII value of 1?

The ASCII value of 1 is 49

Q What is the ASCII value of A

The ASCII value of A is 65

Q How to get ASCII value of char?

use charCodeAt() and codePointAt() methods.

Q ASCII value of small a

The ASCII value of A is 97

Q What is the ASCII range of A to Z?

The ASCII value of Capital A to Z is 65 to 90