CSS Shadows and Text Effects

CSS provide properties namely text-shadow and box-shadow to add shadow to text and to elements respectively.

Both have been introduced in CSS3.

The default value of the properties is none that means no shadow.

CSS Text Shadow

As the name suggests, the text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. This property is animatable and inherited. The supporting browsers are Chrome 4.0, IE 10.0, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4.0 and Opera 9.6


where h-shadow is the position of the horizontal shadow, v-shadow is the position of the vertical shadow, color-shadow can have values color name/code, none(No shadow), initial(set a CSS property to its default value), inherit (inherits from its parent element).
Text Shadow example is as below

The default value for blur-radius is 0 and color-shadow will be the same as the text color.

CSS Box Shadow

This property adds shadows to different <div> elements. This property is animatable and can’t be inherited.

The supporting browsers are Chrome 10.0, IE 9.0, Firefox 4.0, Safari 5.1 and Opera 10.5


where h-shadow is the position of the horizontal shadow, v-shadow is the position of the vertical shadow, color-shadow can have values color name/code, inset(inner shadow), initial(set a CSS property to its default value), inherit (inherits from its parent element) and spread-radius is the size of the shadow.

Box Shadow example is as below

The default value for blur-radius and spread-radius is 0. The default color-shadow will be the same as the text color.

With the increase in blur-radius, the shadow will become more blurred.

The positive increase in spread-radius increases the size of the shadow and negative increase will decrease the size of the shadow.

The positive values of h-shadow and v-shadow make the shadow on the right and below the text respectively whereas the negative values represent left and above.

For multiple-shadows, a comma-separated list of shadows can be added to the text/element. In this case, the shadows are applied from front to back.