CRUD JDBC Project in Java with MySql Source Code

CRUD JDBC Project in Java is a good and basic project for beginners this project will help you to understand the basic concepts of JDBC operation. Here we have covered more than 11 JDBC operations. Database connection with java is one of the essential features of java, In java to connect with the database we … Read more

Prime number program in java using while loop

Here we generate and check prime number using while loop in java so that we titled this prime number program in java using while loop. 1 What is a Prime Number A prime number is a whole number that has only two factors 1 and the number itself. For example, 23 is a prime number, … Read more

Simple Calculator in Java Applet

Java Applet provides a GUI way to create a program and its interface, Here we are creating Simple Calculator in Java Applet with GUI and its processing. As we have already learned about applet and applet life cycle. Here we have discussed two simple calculator programs using the applet. 1 Simple calculator program in java … Read more

Java program to print vowels in a String

In Java, String is represented as an Object. String characters are represented in Unicode encoding. In the English language, there are five vowels a, e, i, o, and u. In any string, vowels can be in small or in large letters. Here using the Java program we will see how to find vowels in the … Read more

Sum of two numbers using command line arguments in java

Command line argument is as a way to pass arguments in java while running java program. 1 Sum of two integer numbers using command line arguments in java Steps to add two integer numbers is below

Run above program from command prompt >javac >java CommandLineArguments 8 5 Output

value 8 will pass … Read more

Write the definition of a method max that has three int parameters and returns the largest

We discussed the above method using Program: Write the definition of a method max that has three int parameters and returns the largest We have created a method max that takes three integer inputs a,b and c, and find greater among three using relational and logical operators

Program: Method max that has three int … Read more

Concatenate & Buffer File in Java

Here we will concatenating and store buffering files in java using BufferedInputClass and BufferedOutputClass. Concatenate: It is possible to concatenate two or more files and save in a different file. In java, by using SequenceInputStream class we can concatenate two or more files. Buffer Files: In java, we can create a buffer to store temporary … Read more

MySql dump using java

A MySQL dump, also known simply as a “dump,” is a process of exporting or backing up the data and structure of a MySQL database into a file. This file contains a snapshot of the database’s contents at a specific point in time, making it useful for various purposes, such as: To create a MySQL … Read more