Bootstrap Media Objects

The media objects (like images or videos) on the web page need to be aligned properly to stand out but not completely out of context. HTML and CSS have their own features to provide the required positioning to the media objects on the webpage. Bootstrap makes it much easier for the developers to align these … Read more

Bootstrap Containers- container and container-fluid classes

Here, we will check out the Containers, one of the most basic web page layouts employed by Bootstrap to design the web pages. But before we move into that, let us first understand what a layout is and how a typical layout is made to come to real-world page. Bootstrap Responsive Webpage Layout A webpage layout … Read more

Bootstrap 4 Grid System

The grid system in Bootstrap 4 is built using flexbox. It allows a maximum of 12 columns across the web page. In case you do not need to use all the 12 columns available, you can group individual columns to get wider columns for your usage. Due to the responsiveness of the grid system, the … Read more

Definition of circle Circumference, Area, Chord, Segment

Definition of circle When a line AB rotate by 360 degree taking center A, thus obtained figure is called circle. A is called center of circle. A to any point on the circle joining is called radius, a line passing through the center of the circle is called diameter of circle and its value is … Read more