File Handling in C++

File In a computer system files are used to store the necessary information / data stored. There are mainly two types of files: Text file Binary file Text file. It stores information/data in ASCII characters. In text files, each line of text is terminated with a special character known as EOL (End of Line) character. … Read more

Categories C++

Exception Handling in C++

In C++ programming, an exception is an abnormal condition that arises/occurs in a source code during run time.   Or  Exception is a run time error.   Example:


When we try to compile this program we will receive an error message because value of 100/a (100/0) is infinite and it can’t be possible to … Read more

Categories C++

Template in C++

In  C++ programming language, Template is used to declare a group of function or class in a generic manner. Generic  means that that can process all types of data. By using template a single function can defined for a group of functions, it is called as a “function template”. Similarly, when template is associated with … Read more

Categories C++

Constructor and Destructor Calling in C++

In a C++ programming language constructor are called from base class to derived class and destructor are called reverse of constructor means from derived class to base class.                                                                                                                       Example:   Write a program to show the sequence of execution of constructor and destructor.


Categories C++

Operator Overloding in C++

In a C++ language, operator overloading is one of the  important feature of c++.   It is an example of polymorphism. Polymorphism means one function having many forms .   There are different operators we use in a traditional programming  language the operator such as +,-,*,/ etc. For example: +( plus ) operator is used to … Read more

Categories C++

Destructors in C++

In a C++ Programming, Destructor is also a special member like constructor. Like a constructor, destructor have the same name as their class , preceded by a tilde(~). Destructor does not have a return type means it cant return any value. Destructor destroys the class object created by constructor. It is automatically called when object … Read more

Categories C++

SEO Essential Terms

Here, we are going to talk about some important SEO terms that you should know. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started towards in this Post.  What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO) SEO is a technique of optimizing a website to rank higher on Google. The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization.  SEO … Read more