Functions in PHP

A function is a block of code that can be used many times in a program. It helps us to save a lot of codes and time because function defines only one time and we can use it multiple time whenever & wherever we want. The most important reason for using function is ‘Reusability’. Consider … Read more

PHP array types

Mainly two types of Array in PHP SINGLE ARRAY/ SINGLE DIMATIONAL ARRAY MULTIPLE ARRAY/ MULTI-DIMAINTIONAL ARRAY This two types of the array divided into two types of INDEX ARRAY/ NUMERIC ARRAY & ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY. Single Array In the single array, we can store multiple values in one variable. Example

Like a fruits array store … Read more

Categories php

Array in PHP

An array is a data structure or a collection of data that contains a group of elements under same name. Typically these elements are all of the same data types or different data types. for example:If a complex has thirty flats each flat having same features then the whole complex is considered to be an … Read more

HTML del tag

HTML del tag is used to represent set of characters deleted from the document. The characters inside the del tag are represented as text with centre line(text with strukethrough line). Syntax:

