1 billion in rupees: Billion to Lakhs Crores Million

If we talk about the Indian currency i.e. Rupees, then 1 billion is equal to 10000 lacs.

1 billion is equal to 10000000000 which is a natural number.

The number 1000000001 comes after 1 billion and the number 999999999 comes before it.

To describe in quantities in Math, the concept of place value is used. Primarily, there are two methods that are used extensively for interpreting the place value of the digits in a particular number.

These two methods are the international number system and the Indian number system.

The positional value of a number is determined by using the place value charts.

Numbers in the general form can be extended with the support of positions.

We start ordering the place value from the right direction to the left direction.

The value of place progresses to tens, hundreds, thousands, and many more starting with the unit location i.e. one’s place.

Continue reading to find out the value of 1 billion dollars in rupees in words and the value of 1 billion in rupees of the Indian number system of place value.

We will also describe to you the position value charge for both the international number system and the Indian number system.

Read More

  1. How much is 1 million
  2. Value of 5 million dollars in Indian rupees

The Place Value Charts for the Indian Number System

The position value sequence in the Indian number system is as follows

  1. Ones – 1
  2. Tens – 10
  3. Hundreds – 100
  4. Thousands – 1000
  5. Ten Thousands – 10000
  6. One Lakh – 100000
  7. Ten Lakhs – 1000000
  8. One Crores – 10000000
  9. Ten Crores – 100000000

The Indian number system is also known as the Hindu-Arabic number system.

You can also use a comma between the zeroes to differentiate between the intervals of this numbering scheme.

Here is a basic rule that you need to follow if you wish to use commas between zeros in the Indian number system – The 1st comma will come after three digits from the right and followed by two digits, then followed by two digits, and after that followed by every two digits.

International Number System’s Place Value Chart

The position value sequence of the digits in the International number system is as follows –

  1. Ones – 1
  2. Tens – 10
  3. Hundreds – 100
  4. Thousands – 1000
  5. Ten Thousands – 10000
  6. Hundred Thousands – 100000
  7. One Million – 1000000
  8. Ten Million  – 10000000
  9. Hundred Million  – 100000000
  10. One Billion – 1000000000
  11. Ten Billion  – 10000000000
  12. Hundred Billion  – 100000000000

What essentially means converting billions to rupees?

The place value of digits is referred to in several ways in the international number system and Indian number system.

The digits in the Indian system have place values such as ones, 10s, hundreds, 1000s, 10000s, lacs, 10 lacs, crores, 10 crores, and the sequence goes on in the following manner.

On the other hand, the digits have position values such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, 1 million, 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion,  100 billion, and the sequence goes on in the same manner in the International Number System.

Here’s a quickie – One billion is equal to one hundred crores in the Indian National Rupees. 

1000000000 Indian Rupees = 1 Billion

It is also equivalent to ten thousand lakhs (or 10000 lakhs) as one lakh holds the value of 100000 Indian Rupees.

Therefore, one billion is equal to one hundred crores (or 100 crores).

How can you use the calculator for the conversion of billion to rupees?

A person can use the following rules for the conversion of billion to rupees –

  1. First of all, you are required to type the desired number of billions in the given input space.
  2. Tap on the ‘Convert’ button to get the conversion value.
  3. The conversion value from billions to rupees will be shown in the output region.

The above-mentioned 3 simple steps are the key for converting your desired billion number value to Indian National Rupees in a matter of few seconds.

Conversion From Billion to Lakhs

If you wish to convert billions to lakhs, then you should multiply the given billion value by 10000 lacs to get the result.

For example, if you want to convert 7 billion to lacs, then you should multiply 7 by 10000 lakhs.

10,000 lacs × 7 is equal to 7 billion.

7 billion = 70,000 lacs.

Therefore, as you can see, 70000 lacs is equal to 7 billion.

If we consider one Dollar is equal to 75 Indian Rupees, then 1 billion dollars in Indian National Rupee is equal to 75000000000.

Conversion From Billion to Crores

If you wish to convert the given billion value to crores in the Indian number system, then you should multiply the given billion value by 100 crores.

For example, you wish to convert 9 billion to crores in the Indian number system, then you should multiply 9 by 100 crores to get the desired result.

If we put it in another way, then you can also think that 9 × 100 crores is equal to 9 billion.

9 billion dollar = 900 crores.

Therefore, 9 billion is equal to nine hundred crores in words.

Likewise, you can convert any given billion value to values in the Indian number system such as crores, lacs, and many more.

How many Zeros in a Billion?

There are a total of 9 zeroes present in 1 billion value.

1 billion is equal to 1000000000.

How many Millions is a Billion?

For all of you who don’t know, 1 million is equal to 1000000.

That is, we can also say that 1000 thousand is equal to 1 million.

1000000000 is equal to 1000 million is equal to 1 billion.

So, the value of 1 billion is equal to 1000 million.

1 billion means

1 billion value can be represented by the letters bn and b. 1 billion is equal to 10000 lacs in the Indian number system.

Therefore, in terms of crores, 1 billion is equal to 100 crores that is 1 billion is equal to 1000000000.

1 billion rupees

Now, first of all, let’s consider that the value of $1 is 75 Indian rupees.

Also, you know that the value of 1 billion is 1000000000 Indian Rupees. Therefore the value of 1 billion dollars in Indian rupees will be 75 × 10000000000 = 75000000000 Indian rupees.

1billion in lakhs

On the basis of the position value chart, the international number system uses billions. Now we are going to find the equivalent of 1 billion in the Indian number system –

1 billion in Indian Rupees is equal to 100000000 Indian rupees.

It can also be represented as –

1 billion is equal to 10000 lacs as all of us know that one lakh is equal to 100000.

Therefore, 10000 lakh Indian Rupees is equal to 1 billion in lacs. We can also say that 1 billion lacs is equal to 10 million lacs.

If you wish to convert 1 billion into crores, then we should bring this to your notice that 1 billion is equal to 100 crores.

This is because one crore is equal to 10000000.

10 billion dollars in rupees

As we have discussed 1 billion, now we will convert the given billion-dollar values in Indian national rupees.

For instance, we have taken the value to be 10 billion dollars.

So, let’s start with the basics first here in this segment. All of us know that the value of 1 billion till now.

It is equal to 1000000000 Indian national rupees, which is also a natural number.

The dollar conversion rate at the moment is around 74.42 Indian national rupee.

But for ease of understanding and calculation, we have taken the value to be 75 Indian National rupees.

So, for this segment and for all over this article, the value of 1 dollar is equal to 75 Indian national rupees as a matter of approximation.

Now, before proceeding to the value of 10 billion dollars in rupees, let’s first calculate the value of 10 billion in rupees.

Have a look at the simple formula written beneath –

10 billion is equal to 10 × 1 billion.

i.e. 10 billion = 10 × 1000000000 = 10000000000 Indian National Rupees.

Since we have got the value of 10  billion, now let’s move on to our next step and calculate the value of 10 billion dollars.

10 billion dollars can be easily calculated by multiplying 10 billion by the value of 1 dollar conversion and exchange rate.

10 billion dollars = 10 billion × 1 Dollar

10 billion dollars = 10000000000 × 75

10 billion dollars = 750000000000 Indian national rupees.

The above-mentioned number is the representation of 10 billion dollars in Indian national rupees in numbers. It is also equal to 75  lac crores Indian rupees.

If we talk about the representation of 10 billion dollars in words, then 10 billion dollars can be written as seventy-five lac crores Indian National rupees.

1 billion is equal to how many crores?

A very frequent and common question related to 1 billion is that how much worth is one billion in crores?

So, in this segment, we are going to answer this very interesting and commonly asked question.

1 billion = 1000000000 Indian national rupees.

Now, if we calculate the total number of crores in the above-mentioned figure then the answer comes as 100 crores as 1 crore is equal to 10000000 Indian National Rupees.

In words, one billion can be written or represented as hundred crores.

Further, if one wants to convert one billion or hundred crores to lacs, the required answer will be ten thousand lacs.

1 billion = 10,000 lacs = 100 crores.

One billion is equivalent to how many million?

As established in the previous segment,

10,000 lacs = 100 crores = 1 billion

Now, to convert one billion into millions or to answer the above question, one first needs to understand the concept of one million.

One million is a term used in the international number system. It is equivalent to ten lakhs in the Indian number system.


1 million = 10 Lakhs Indian National Rupees

From the previous segment,

1 billion = Ten thousand lacs or 10000 lakhs.

Dividing the second billion equation by the first million equation, we get

1 billion = 1000 lacs Indian rupees.

In words, it can be written or represented as thousand lacs Indian National Rupees.

1.1 billion in crores

So, amid converting all the integer value billions to lacs, crores and other place value in the Indian number system, now we will be trying and converting a decimal billion value to crores in the Indian number system.

For this example, we will be taking our value as 1.1 billion.

So, the only thing that you need to understand before proceeding on and solving this question is that you should know the value of 1 billion in number and its equivalent value in the Indian number system.

As we have done numerous examples and questions on this topic till now, we hope that you are aware of the answers to both the above questions.

The answer to the 1st question here is that the value of 1 billion is 1,000,000,000 Indian national rupees in numbers.

If we translate that to crores or lakhs, we get our second answer. It is equivalent to 100 crores (or a hundred crores) Indian rupees in the Indian number system.

So, keeping the above 2 points as notes, let’s start deducing the value of 1.1 billion in Indian National Rupees. 

The value of 1.1 billion can be deduced by multiplying 1.1 by 1 billion.


  1. × 1000000000 (One Billion) = 1.1 Billion

1100000000 = 1.1 Billion

Therefore, 1100000000 Indian rupees is the value of 1.1 billion.

This translates to 110 crores (one hundred and ten crores in words) or 11000 lacs (eleven thousand lakhs Indian rupees).

3 billion in rupees

So, now let’s discuss about 3 billion and convert it into Indian national rupees.

1 Dollar is equal to 75 rupees (Assumption taken for this article).

1 billion is equal to 1000000000 Indian rupees in numbers.

So, calculating 3 billion rupees becomes easy now as you just have to multiply 1 billion by 3.

Therefore, 3 billion = 3 × 1000000000 Indian rupees = 3000000000 Indian rupees.

If we talk about this number, then it is followed by 3000000001 and preceded by 2999999999. All of these are pure, natural numbers.

It can be also written or represented as 300 crores or 30000 lacs.

In words, it can be written as three hundred crores Indian rupees or thirty thousand lacs Indian rupees.

2 billion means

All of us know that 1 billion is equal to 10000000000 which is a natural number.

If we wish to calculate 2 billion by the same order and formula, then 2 billion will be equal to 2 X 1000000000 is equal to2000000000 Indian National Rupees.

Therefore, 2 Billion means 2000000000 Indian rupees which is a natural number.

The natural number 1999999999 comes before 2 billion and the natural number 2000000001 comes after 2 billion.

In numbers, it is written or can be represented as 2 hundred crores or 20000 lacs.

In words, 2 billion is equal to two hundred crores or twenty thousand lacs.

4 billion in rupees

Assumption – $1 is equal to 75 Indian rupees.

1 billion = 1000000000 Indian rupees.

4 billion = 4 × 1 billion (1000000000 Indian rupees) = 4000000000 Indian rupees.

4 billion can also be written or represented as 400 crores or 40000 lacs.

In words, four billion is equal to four hundred crores Indian rupees or forty thousand lacs Indian rupees.

5 billion in crores

Now, as you know till now that we have considered the value of $1 as 75 Indian rupees. Also, you know that the value of 1 billion is 1000000000 Indian Rupees. So, the value of 5 billion is 5000000000 Indian rupees.

Therefore, the value of 5 billion in Indian rupees is 500 crores (in crores) or 50,000 lacs.

In words, the value can be written or represented as five hundred crores Indian rupees or fifty thousand lacs Indian rupees.

5 billion dollars in rupees in words

All of us are now aware that 1 billion rupees are equal to 100000000 Indian rupees.

Also, we hope that till now you are aware that we have considered the value of one dollar is equal to 75 Indian rupees.

Therefore the value of 5 billion is equal to 5 x 100000000 and it will be equal to 500000000 Indian rupees.

Therefore, the value of 5 billion dollars in Indian rupees is equal to 50000000 X 75 = 375000000000 Indian rupees.

In words, it can be written as three lakh seventy-five thousand crores Indian rupees.

7 billion in rupees

Coming to 7 billion in Indian rupees, we will go by the same logic that we have followed in the last few conversions of billions into the Indian national rupee.

First of all, as we have considered in the last few conversions, the value of $1 that we will be taking will be 75 Indian National Rupees.

I hope that till now all of you know that 1 billion is equal to 1000000000 Indian National Rupees.

Thus, the value of 7 billion in the Indian number system will be equal to 7 x 1000000000 Indian National Rupees. This amount is equal to 7000000000 Indian national rupees.

If we wish to represent 7 billion in rupees, then it will be equal to 700 crores or 70000 lacs Indian rupees.

In words, it can be written as seven hundred crores or seventy thousand lacs Indian rupees.

8 billion in rupees

Coming to 8 billion in Indian rupees, we will go by the same logic that we have followed in the last few conversions of billions into the Indian national rupee.

First of all, as we have considered in the last few conversions, the value of $1 that we will be taking will be 75 Indian National Rupees.

I hope that till now all of you know that1 billion is equal to 1000000000 Indian National Rupees.

Thus, the value of 8 billion in the Indian number system will be equal to 8 x 1000000000 Indian National Rupees. This amount is equal to 8000000000 Indian national rupees.

If we wish to represent 8 billion in rupees, then it will be equal to 800 crores or 80000 lacs Indian rupees.

In words, it can be written as eight hundred crores or eighty thousand lacs Indian rupees.

12 billion dollars in rupees

Enough of converting x billion value to Indian national rupee. Now, we will be converting the given billion-dollar value to Indian National Rupees.

For example, in this segment, we will be converting 12 billion dollars into Indian national Rupees and will be representing them in numbers, in words, and in rupees.

Over and over, we have told you in this article that we will be considering the value of $1 equal to 75 Indian national rupees.

Also, you must be knowing till now that the value of 1 billion is equal to 1000000000 Indian National Rupees.

Thus, first, let’s calculate the value of 12 billion in Indian rupees. 12 billion will be equal to 12 x 100000000 Indian rupees.  This sum will amount to 12000000000 Indian rupees.

Now, let’s calculate the value of 12 billion dollars from the 12 billion that we have calculated just above right now.

12 billion dollars = 75 × 12000000000 Indian rupees

12 billion dollars = Rs. 900000000000 = 9 lac crores INR.

In words, the value of 12 billion dollars is equal to nine lakh crores Indian rupees.

How many zeros in 10 billion?

By all means, we hope that you know now that 1 billion is equal to 100000000 Indian rupees.

Therefore, as you can see 1 billion consists of 9 zeroes.

The value of 10 billion is equal to 10 X 1 billion equal to 10 × 1000000000 = 10000000000 Indian National Rupees.

Evidently, 10 billion consists of 10 zeroes.

In rupees, it is equal to 1000 crores or 1 lac lacs Indian National Rupees.

In words, it is equal to thousand crores Indian rupees or one lac lacs Indian national rupees.